Sports Hypnotherapy

Personal Hypnotherapy

For Consultation - +44 (0) 7980558017

Hypnotherapy Profile:

Hypnotherapy Profile

Hypnotherapy is for everyone whether you're an infant with a behavioural problem, a teenager, or whether you're middle aged or retired, everyone can benefit from Hypnotherapy, there are no exceptions.

My passion for the subject started around 1997. My father had just passed away and I felt some changes were needed to be made, so I duly visited a hypnotherapist in Lincoln, a gentleman of 81, which at the time, I was unaware, was going to change the course of my future. Norman, was a man of great talent and incredible ability, with over 30 years of experience under him…whilst he appeared slightly hunched and used a walking stick, what he lacked in physical ability he more than made up in mental ability! With a client base of some 30,000 was testimony to that fact..I have fond memories of working with Norman, in therapy/trance for over 3 years and experiencing the incredible affects, hypnosis, can leave upon the mind, which in turn, can leave you with some very profound feelings of well-being.

We can use powerful hypnotic methods for health benefits, which in turn, can help to assist with various psychosomatic problems and for pain management including affective anaesthesia used in invasive surgeries. The use of hypnotherapy to assist with various physical problems that have psychological roots and to help with problems that are exacerbated by psychological factors, including stressors. Advanced methods of pain management, both acute and chronic pain can be addressed by hypnotherapy as well as in surgical operations.

We have methods to address various psychosomatic health issues. From assisting clients suffering from physical conditions diagnosed and treated with conventional western medicine, to analytical hypnotherapy, which is used to uncover psychological factors involved in various psychosomatic conditions or symptoms that exacerbate various physical health problems. In-depth principles and methods of medical hypnotherapy for health benefits, including assistance with maintenance of health. Helping clients to deal with stigma and many psychological problems arising from particular illnesses. Hypnotherapy is useful to help clients overcome fears of particular medical treatments and to cope more affectively with discomfort, stress and various psychological reactions to medical treatments. A comprehensive and powerful approach to the management of stress and dealing with stress-related illnesses can be achieved.

Hypnoanaesthesia methods for pain management are particularly suitable with clients suffering from chronic pain or to help with pain associated with surgery or childbirth. The many benefits of HypnoSurgery, the use of hypnosis in surgical operations, for example, overcoming pre-operative anxiety, assisting the body to cope with the demands of chemical anaesthetics, surgery, pain management and assisting with healing and recovery.